Mahsulot tavsifi
Machine Introduction
◆Mechanical punching machine, also known as mechanical stamping machine. It uses the compressed air provided by the compressed air pump to enter the cylinder through the solenoid valve, drive the piston to the spindle to make the spindle move downward, and that creates momentum, and then the workpiece can be deformed in the die to achieve the purpose of processing.
Working Principle of Mechanical Punch Machine
◆Products or parts produced by punch or hydraulic machine tools for mechanical punching machines are called stamping parts. Basic requirements: stamping power, male die, mother die and raw materials of products (usually metal sheet or wire). The working principle of the punching machine is that the machine tool drives the opening and closing of the male die and the female die under the action of punching power, and the raw materials between them are cut, punched and stretched.
element | qiymat |
Vaziyat | Yangi |
Mashina turi | Teshik mashinasi |
Quvvat manbai | Mexanik |
Kelib chiqqan joyi | Xitoy |
Kuchlanishi | 220V/380V/Customized |
Hajmi (L*W*H) | 600x530x1500 mm |
Dvigatel quvvati (kVt) | 1.5 |
Og'irligi (T) | 0.38 |
Asosiy savdo nuqtalari | Multifunctional |
Kafolat | 1 yil |
Onlayn yordam, Video texnik yordam | |
Amaldagi sanoat tarmoqlari | Hotels, Garment Shops, Building Material Shops, Machinery Repair Shops, Food & Beverage Factory, Farms |
Kafolatdan keyin xizmat ko'rsatish | Video texnik yordam, Onlayn yordam |
Mahalliy xizmat ko'rsatish joyi | Yo'q |
Ko'rgazma zalining joylashuvi | Yo'q |
Marketing turi | Issiq mahsulot 2019 |
Mashina sinovi hisoboti | Taqdim etilgan |
Video chiqish-tekshirish | Taqdim etilgan |
Asosiy komponentlarning kafolati | 1 yil |
Asosiy komponentlar | Bearing, Pump, Motor, PLC |
Stroke times | 140 times/minute |
Asosiy savdo nuqtalari | Competitive Price |