Laser welding is a new welding method, which is widely used in precision processing industries such as automobile industry, metal processing industry, ship and aircraft manufacturing, Furniture and kitchenware processing, electronic products processing, metal parts maintenance, etc. It is mainly aimed at the welding of thin-walled materials and precision parts. It can realize spot welding, butt welding, overlap welding and seal welding. Laser welding machines for titanium alloy, galvanized sheet, aluminum material and copper material can accurately weld
Right angle welding sample Tube Arc welding Irregular seam welding
Lazerli payvandlashning afzalliklari
1. U payvandlashda kontaktsiz shikastlanishi yoki yorilishi oson bo'lgan va payvandlash ob'ektiga mexanik stressni keltirib chiqarmaydigan boshqa qismlarni payvand qilishi mumkin.
2. It can irradiate the narrow parts that cannot be accessed by the soldering iron head on the circuit with dense components and change the angle when there is no distance between adjacent components in dense assembly, without heating the whole circuit board
3. Payvandlash jarayonida faqat payvandlangan maydon mahalliy darajada isitiladi, boshqa payvandlanmagan joylar esa issiqlik ta'siriga duchor bo'lmaydi.
4. The welding time is short, the efficiency is high, and the solder joint will not form a thick intermetallic layer, so the quality is reliable
5. Yuqori texnik xizmat ko'rsatish qobiliyati. An'anaviy elektr lehimli temir payvandlash lehimlash temir boshini muntazam ravishda almashtirishi kerak, lazerli payvandlash esa juda kam aksessuarlarni almashtirishi kerak, shuning uchun texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlarini kamaytirish mumkin.
HW welding head HW control system Auto wire feeder for free
WSX/JPT optional usually coperate with laser head
Laser power Water chiller Comes with a variety of nozzles
Model | LXW-1000/1500/2000 Vt |
Lazer kuchi | 1000/1500/2000 Vt |
Markaziy to'lqin uzunligi | 1070+-5nm |
Lazer chastotasi | 50Hz-5KHz |
Ish shakllari | Davomiy |
Elektr talabi | AC220V |
Chiqish tolasi uzunligi | 5/10/15 m (ixtiyoriy) |
Sovutish usuli | Suvni sovutish |
O'lchamlari | 1150 * 760 * 1370 mm |
Og'irligi | 275 kg (taxminan) |
Sovutish suvi harorati | 5-45 ℃ |
O'rtacha iste'mol qilinadigan quvvat | 2500/2800/3500/4000 Vt |
Lazer energiya barqarorligi | <2% |
Havoning namligi | 10-90% |