Mahsulot tafsilotlari
Burilishli payvandlash boshi
The process that traditional magnetic head cannot complete, the swing welding head only needs to use 70% of the power, which can save the cost of the laser.
Bundan tashqari, belanchak payvandlash usuli, lehim qo'shimchasining kengligi sozlanishi va termoyadroviy chuqurligi kuchli, bu lazerli lehim birikmasining kichik kamchiliklarini qoplaydi.
Qayta ishlangan qismlarning bardoshlik diapazoni va payvand choki kengligi kengaytiriladi va yaxshiroq payvand hosil qiluvchi effekt olinadi.
Tovar lazer generatori O'rnatilgan suv sovutgichi
IPG, JPT, MAX, Raycus laser generator optional. Dual temperature and dual control, circulating water
Laser power: 1000W , 1500W , 2000W circuit, can quickly cool the internal pipeline cavity of
dfdfgfdgbdfgfdgfgdfg the welding head, while cooling the laser.
Intelligent control system Automatic wire feeder
Intelligent control system, touch screen, easy to set Automatic wire feeder, can set delay feeding, feeding
parameters. Has a variety of welding swing mode to speed, pumpback speed, pumpback time etc
meet different needs, get better welding effects
Optical fiber and handheld welding head support Oddiy operatsion panel
Place the fiber and hand-held welding head to avoid Display operation interface, simple and eye-catching
collision damage button, no programming and teaching, simple operation
Limitations of the welding of large metal advertising characters, hand-held weld head overcome space.
Hand-held welding gun operating mode, can be welded to any angle of any part of the work piece.
Hand-held welded head is equipped with 10 m fiber, flexible and convenient can achieve outdoor welding.
Applicable to various complex welds, spot welding of various devices.
Hand-held welding gun operating mode, can be welded to any angle of any part of the work piece.
Hand-held welded head is equipped with 10 m fiber, flexible and convenient can achieve outdoor welding.
Applicable to various complex welds, spot welding of various devices.
Ishlash oson
Oddiy va ishlatish uchun qulay, payvandlash tikuvining deformatsiyasi yo'q, payvandlashning mustahkamligini ta'minlash uchun barqaror lazer chiqishi, lazerli fokuslashdan keyin yuqori quvvat zichligi, tez tezlik, katta chuqurlik va kichik deformatsiya, 360 graduslik mikro-payvandlash.
Chiroyli payvandlash jarayoni
Breaking through the limitations of the original workbench, it is suitable for all kinds of complex welding seams, and it is easy to weld any part of the work piece at any angle. The humanized design and technology upgrade can weld beautiful welding seams.
Kichik tanasi, samarali payvandlash
The welding speed of laser welding machine is 3-10 times that of traditional argon arc welding and plasma welding. The welding heat affected area is small, and it will not cause problems such as deformation, blackening, traces on the back of the joint construction, and the welding depth is large, the melting is sufficient, and the welding is firm.
Ikki qo'zg'aluvchan qo'lda aylanadigan lazerli payvandlash boshi
There are 6 welding modes and multiple welding nozzles to meet different welding needs; it has a safety sensor function, which emits a laser after touching the metal and automatically locks the light when it is removed; the spiral jitter function, the width of the weld can be adjusted, and the welding ability is significantly improved.
360 ° O'lik burchakli mikro payvandlash yo'q
After the laser beam is focused, a small spot can be obtained, which can be accurately positioned, and is applied to micro and small workpieces that are automatically produced in large quantities. Mainly for the welding of thin-walled materials and precision parts, it can realize spot welding, stitch welding, tailor welding, sealing welding, etc. High aspect ratio, small weld width, small heat aff
Handheld Fiber Laser Welder Applications
Turli xil zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan oyna belgilarini, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan cho'tkali belgilarni, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan sharsimon belgilarni, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan bo'yoq belgilarini, zanglamaydigan po'latdan purkash belgilarini, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan qattiq belgilarni, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan elektrokaplama belgilarini, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan oltin folga belgilarini, nozik zanglamaydigan po'latlarni payvandlash uchun ishlatiladi. titanium yassi belgilar, titan sferik belgilar Reklama so'zlari, Seiko titanium oltin shriftlari, tekis mis shriftlar, sferik mis shriftlar, qizil mis shriftlar, qizil mis antiqa shriftlar, seiko alyuminiy shriftlar, metall bo'yoq shriftlari (zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan chiziqlar, temir chiziqlar, past karbonli po'latdir) chiziqlar) va metall shriftlar hosil qilish uchun payvandlanadi. Yoritish va mog'or sanoati, optoelektronik aloqa asboblari, tibbiy, elektronika, mis qismlar, alyuminiy qismlar va kichik payvandlashni qayta ishlash sanoati.